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Why rapper AKA basks in controversy

Yesterday South African rapper AKA went down memory lane and revealed his fans why he doesn’t open up for international acts.

His tale was about how he and his band were treated badly when he was meant to open a show for US rapper Wale. Since then AKA made it a policy not to open for an international act.

If you are familiar with AKA’s persona you wouldn't be surprised about him tweeting things like this. Prior to his latest newsworthy round of tweets, AKA went full blast against his baby mama DJ Zinhle.
According to the rapper AKA who has been trying to keep away from DJ Zinhle and Bonang's Twitter war, eventually lost his temper after his baby mama DJ Zinhle went and bought Euphoniks #Nonke T-shirt and posted a snap of herself wearing it on social media. The shirt was a shade at AKA’s girlfriend Bonang Matheba.
AKA is not known to hold back on social media. He once tweeted that he was more appreciated in Nigeria than in South Africa. Clearly AKA is a ruffler of feathers who likes basking in controversy.
Interestingly being controversial has helped the rapper. His tweets and rants have help him get noticed not only in South Africa but in other parts of Africa as well. His controversial nature has helped push his sleek brand of rap music at a faster rate.
However AKA basks in controversy because it makes him function. AKA has a big ego and he needs a spectacle and a bit of drama to show off his talent. Without a bit of conflict I doubt that AKA would be able to maximize his talent. I don’t think AKA can play the humble guy and push out great music. He needs a bit of controversy for him to get into his zone and function. Does this remind you of a rapper called Kanye West?
AKA in Lagos

With controversy comes attention and attention soothes AKA’s ego. Apart from controversy giving him publicity it helps validate his presence as one of Africa’s best rappers. AKA says some of the things he says just to measure the effect he has on the music industry. It helps him know how relevant he is.
AKA & Bonang Matheba
Also we have to look at the effect of honesty. Honesty creates fiction so we shouldn't expect the less when AKA comes off as blunt on many issues. AKA cannot hold back his tongue on various subjects and this no doubt will rub people the wrong way. It’s just human nature and a fact of life.
There are certain celebrities who thrive in controversy and build their empires around drama. AKA is cut from that cloth and he will remain controversial for life.

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