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Anchor, Segun Adisa explains Why Labe Orun was stopped by Lagos Television

  • Speaking through an official statement, Adisa appealed to fans of the show to be patient for the resolution of the underlying issues.
Labe Orun anchor, Segun Adisa
Labe Orun anchor, Segun Adisa
Popular real life Yoruba TV programme, Labe Orun stopped showing about three weeks ago and the show’s anchor, Segun Adisa has explained it is due to a conflict between Lagos Television and his company.
Speaking through an official statement, Adisa appealed to fans of the show to be patient for the resolution of the underlying issues.
His statement read in part:
You must have observed that your darling programme, Labe Orun {Strange-But-True} owned and copyrighted by Courage Media Lab. Ltd, showing live! every Sunday between 10pm-11pm on Lagos Television Nigeria, which is our terrestrial platform was abruptly taken off air in the last three weeks without any prior notice to Courage Media Lab Ltd or my humble self who is currently out of the country on an assignment of our online platform “LabeorunTV”, in spite of my constant link with the station from abroad, still no information was sent till now.
‘I am therefore compelled to publish this statement as a strong mark of respect to you our esteemed viewers and sponsors for you to be informed and to counter the rumour being spread by an embittered and embattled businessman who had been a major detractor of the programme in recent years; that our company is owing the station, hence the suspension of the programme  LabeOrun which  has turned a big boost to our subscribers and viewership online .
‘It is quite normal for business partners to owe each other, however abrupt stoppage of transactions is equally absurd given the fact that a payment was made on 13th of June 2016 and most especially when it involves transmitting to millions of viewers, with this in mind I dug into the matter from here in United States and I was able to gather from reliable sources that ”the programme was stopped by the management of Lagos Television sequel to a report made by the same embattled businessman that he was abused on the programme on 12th of June 2016” meanwhile all my efforts to reach the General Manager of Lagos Television did not yield any tangible result, therefore I decided to leave it as it is till when I return to Nigeria by God’s grace.

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